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Hey, unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know about the opioid epidemic.


Opioids are a class of drugs that are usually prescribed to treat moderate to severe pain because they block pain signals sent from the brain to the body.


They also release large amounts of dopamine, making people feel very relaxed and "high" – which is why they are sometimes used for non-medical reasons.


Opioids can be highly addictive, and overdoses and death are common.

But there are some misconceptions about opioids that we really want to clear up.


First, it’s common for people to think that opioid use and abuse involves a certain kind of at-risk or troubled person, and that’s just not true in most of these cases. In fact, we’d argue that the two populations we should focus on are the young and the old.


When we’re young, we might not realize quite what we’re getting ourselves into. Maybe someone offers someone something at a party. Wanting to fit in, the person tries it. But little did they know, it contained Fentanyl, and they accidentally overdose.


Overdoses among those age 15-24 are most likely to be witnessed by a bystander, meaning someone was nearby who could have administered NARCAN and saved a life.


And on the opposite end, overdoses among people 55+ are least likely to be witnessed and this group is least likely to receive NARCAN.


This group is also more likely to have a known history of pain and to have been getting treatment for it at the time of their death.


The percentage of people with a known current mental health diagnosis was also highest among those 55 and older followed by people ages 15-24.


So, you can see where we’re going with this. Most of that stigma is undeserved. And unfortunately, it often prevents people from getting help – and from getting NARCAN.


NARCAN is an opioid receptor antagonist. It blocks opioid receptors in the brain, reversing the effects and restoring normal breathing in minutes.


The new over-the-counter version of NARCAN is an easy-to-administer nasal spray.


You just lay, spray, stay. Lay the victim down on their back, spray the NARCAN in one nostril, call 9-1-1 and stay with them until help arrives. It comes in a two-dose pack because you may have to administer another dose.


And here’s another key point: If you do administer NARCAN to someone who isn’t overdosing, nothing happens.


Let’s say someone is exhibiting signs of an overdose – so, they have pinpoint pupils, they are unconscious or unresponsive, they’re not breathing normally or at all – but you’re not sure what’s going on.


Administer NARCAN anyway. If it IS an overdose, you will very likely save their life. If it’s NOT, it has no effect because NARCAN only works if there are opioids present. 



Do you give a poop about YOUR colorectal health? 


Look, colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the US. 


Many cases can be prevented with early detection. 


That’s where the at-home Reese’s ColoTest comes in! 


It’s a simple test for hidden blood in your stool, which can be a telltale sign of colorectal cancer or polyps. 


No lab is needed, and you can do it in the privacy of your own home.  


Early detection is key.  


So, if the test is positive, you should schedule a follow-up with your healthcare provider. 


You can learn more about colorectal screenings at Kinney Drugs dot com. 


And now you know the Skinney on colon health with ColoTest! 


Moms & Dads, we’ve all been there.


Your kiddo isn’t feeling well, and you just know it’s an ear infection.


I mean, it’s not your first rodeo, right?


Wouldn’t it be great if you could find out right then and there?


Now you can! Meet the new Tylenol SmartCheck.


You just slide the device over your smartphone’s camera and voila! It’s a personal digital ear scope.


It even has a patented eardrum finder that helps you capture clear recordings to send to your healthcare provider.


Smartcheck comes with different size ear tips for adults and children.


It can be used with babies as young as six months.


So, parents, we suggest keeping this in your medicine cabinet right next to your digital thermometer (which we also carry – hint hint).


And how you know the Skinney on “Smartchecking” an ear infection!



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